Sacramento Moves Toward 100% Clean Energy By 2030

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Environment California

Last night the Sacramento Municipal Utility District SMUD unanimously passed a resolution that will set up a plan to get SMUD to be carbon neutral by 2030 and “to eliminate GHG emissions until a safe atmosphere is restored.” The SMUD staff must report to the Board of Directors on March 31st with the plan to achieve the goal. State law (SB 100) dictates that all utilities get to 100% carbon free energy by 2045. This resolution will ensure that SMUD gets there 15 years ahead of schedule.

“We are thrilled to see SMUD leading the state on clean energy, ” said Emily Fieberling, Fellow with Environment California. “It is our expectation that SMUD will be the first utility to close down its fossil fuel plants by 2030.”

This summer, Environment California launched a campaign to get SMUD to move to 100% clean energy. The environmental group worked with students to show the strong support for 100% clean energy and getting rid of fossil fuels. 

“This victory really belongs to the community groups and local leaders who did the hard work to make this possible,” said Dan Jacobson, Director of Environment California. “The people in California are eager to get to 100% clean energy as soon as possible.”

The resolution specifically states that, “The Board of Directors commits to work towards carbon neutrality by 2030 and to collaboratively find creative solutions to eliminate GHG emissions until a safe atmosphere is restored.”

“As a student leader from greater Sacramento, I’m thrilled to see SMUD moving toward clean energy. Thank you SMUD,” said Kevin Malaekeh. It’s so cool, by the time I’m 27 years old (in ten years) we will not have any fossil fuel power plants in SMUD territory.”

“Leading the state to 100% clean energy is a dream for students like me in the Sacramento area,” said Natalie Brown, “I’m really excited that SMUD is leading the charge to getting rid of fossil fuels. I want to thank the SMUD Board of Directors for their leadership.”

“I am proud to call California home and have our state capitol commit to having 100% clean energy,” said Emily Mei, “This not only contributes to the growing movement towards renewable energy, but combats the detrimental impacts of climate change that are affecting our planet. Thank you SMUD for committing to a cleaner future!” 

To listen to the board meeting- go to

(July 16th, 2020– 5 h 1 min) go to agenda item 11 and listen to the board approve this measure.




For more information about clean energy, SB 100 go to